Tips & Tricks

Unconventional Things to Save in Your FOREVER Account

As you kick off the new year, you may be taking stock in the old - what would you like to do differently? What do you have a chance to do now?

Let's start fresh by keeping our most precious memories accessible, organized, and protected. Today, we're going to start with the basics. If you're feeling stuck…what can you put in your FOREVER Account?

Think outside the box:

Of course you can (and should) save your photos & videos in your account. That's a given! But here are a few other things you should try saving.

  • Voicemails. This one is pretty straightforward. Maybe you received a voicemail of your child singing "Happy Birthday" - wouldn't you want to keep that permanently? We would!
  • Coupons. How often do you get a coupon code online & never do anything with it because it gets buried in your inbox? Take a screenshot & upload it to FOREVER in an album specific to savings! You can remove it anytime.
  • Family recipes. Really, any kind of family keepsakes should be kept here! Recipes, poems, letters. If it's worth passing down, have it scanned & saved in your account! Or, take a photo & upload it.
  • Items for crafting. Okay, this one is a little more niche. But if you've ever mixed the perfect shade of paint & want to remember the ratio, you'll understand it. Or maybe you're a knitter & need a place to keep your patterns so you can view them at home and on the go. Your storage account is the perfect place!
  • Important documents. FOREVER is permanent & private, which means it's an excellent place to store copies of your documents - titles, passports, licenses, etc. Either scan or snap a photo, then upload them into a private album in your account. If you need your info in a pinch, you'll know exactly where to go.

These are just a few of the many ways in which you can get the most out of your FOREVER account. So, what are you waiting for? Get uploading!

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