Tips & Tricks

How to Disaster-Proof Photos, Documents, and Precious Memories

By Beth Gibson Lilja

This summer has been a disaster-riddled season for people across America. Floods, fires, hurricanes, tornadoes – we've seen them all this year, and more will likely strike. While we can’t prevent natural disasters, we can prepare for them. Don’t risk losing your precious documents, photos, and family memories. Here’s food for thought:

Did you know, in regards to insurance claims, the top catastrophes are:

  1. Water damage unrelated to weather (e.g., sewer back-ups, pipes bursting, etc.)
  2. Weather-related water damage
  3. Theft
  4. Fire damage
  5. Electrical fire damage
  6. Personal injuries on property (e.g., slips, falls, dog bites, etc.)

See the resources below for damage prevention tips. Here are more proactive measures:


  • Do you have drain back-up coverage?
  • Flood insurance? It's separate and requires a rider on your homeowner’s policy.
  • Do you review your policy annually with your agent? Policies can change each year. Make sure your coverage remains optimal.
  • Save your receipts. Insurance companies often require them. Scan or take a photo of receipts to store digitally.

Digital Back-Up

Invest in a FOREVER Storage account to store documents, photos, videos, and audio files. Document and photograph your possessions, then you can access your account from anywhere and instantly send information to an insurer.

If a problem surfaces, your FOREVER Storage account gives you instant access to the information you need – proof of ownership and cost. No more multiple digital storage sites. It’s all in one safe place.


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